All projects in category Graphic Recording

The Horse
Therése "Fonfe" Grabs

Electronic Innards
Lynn Angerer

Greenpeace sketches and live drawing
Daphne Sivetidis

Flowers in watercolors
Tania Goryushina

Live teckning för Brothers ads
Tania Goryushina

Workshops to achieve a common picture
Mats Rundlöf

Ink illustrations
Maria Helgars

Shibari in April
Tanja Russita

Umeå Kommun
Linda Blåfors Carlsson

Owl in tree
Christina Pettersson

Live painting
Julia Groth

Inkdrawing - Scholarship-application
Therése "Fonfe" Grabs

Summer in Gullbo
Christina Erlander Klein

Graphic Recording at a conference
Nikki Schmidt

Tango El Abrazo
Tanja Russita

Drawing studies
Miriam Renting

Tango, 24.12.2022, Gothenburg
Tanja Russita

Tanja Russita

Emprogage AB. Images of the organisation
Mette Korsmoe Koverberg / Graphicview I See U ab

Caricature artist live on iPad
Anders Flood

Sara Hansson

Max Entin

The secretary story, a scenography
Camilla Engman

Ida Björs

ATEA, Live Drawing, 2018
Jenny Soep

Jalmar Staaf

Jalmar Staaf

Jalmar Staaf

Jalmar Staaf

Lisbon Live SKetch
Jalmar Staaf

Shanghai Live Sketch
Jalmar Staaf

Sabbatsberg Live Sketch
Jalmar Staaf

Jens Ahlbom

Kerstin Arfwedson

Kerstin Arfwedson

Kerstin Arfwedson

Personal work, Digital Painting
Kerstin Arfwedson

Live Portrait, Tara Jarmon Paris
Kerstin Arfwedson

Live Performance, Tara Jarmon Paris
Kerstin Arfwedson

Barns sommar
Vilija Lioranciené

Katarina Lernmark

Katarina Lernmark

Stefan Lindblad drawing LIVE, meetings conference
Stefan Lindblad

Max Entin

Kid Falk

Ida Rosén Branzell

Cloud Lounge
Helena Lindholm

Pattern/Print H&M
Helena Lindholm

Office superheroes
Helena Lindholm

Graphic Recording, live drawing
Helena Lindholm

Infomovie Ericsson
Helena Lindholm

"The SDG Workbench" (2020)
Anders Parsmo / ParsmoProductions

Graphic Recording
Nikki Schmidt

Arudhati Roy
Katarina Strömgård