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Filter undersökte konsekvenserna när skolplikt ligger på föräldrarnas ansvar.  Vad händer när barnet inte vill eller kan gå i skolan? Föräldrar riskerar att förlora vårdnaden och en del flyr landet för att få hemskola sina barn istället.



Kreativt område





Illustration showing a kid not wanting to go to school. The mum and dad push the kid to the school and try to convince it that it's okay.  Behind them we see grey characters with paragraphs in their pockets approaching.
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Skolplikt framför allt 2 – Filter
Illustration showing a kid trying to escape school. The mum erases the door and the father is ready to bring the kid with them. On the horizon, we see a scissor with paragraphs as handles approaching.
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Illustration showing a home-schooling family with the kid sitting in a chair writing. The door opens and a scissor with paragraphs as handles enters the room.
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Illustration where we see a family in a sailboat approaching land. In the boat, we see bags and a blackboard.
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