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Comic Con Australia Comic book for Swinburne 2018

När jag studerade utomlands på Swinburne university of technology så frågade min lärare Dr Liam Burke om jag ville skapa en serie för Comic Con Australien. Dr Burke beskrev projektet som ”En kort berättelse likt 2000AD och The Twilight Zone” så jag började jobba på en berättelse som jag hade skrivit 1 år innan. Stilen på serien var starkt inspirerad av 90-talets serier (Marvel, Image och 2000AD)


Dr Liam Burke Swinburne university of technology

Kreativt område



Digitalt, Tusch


Illustration of a science fiction story with cyborgs and robots
Introduction to the main character and world
Illustration of a science fiction story with cyborgs and robots
Conflict established as main character learns a horrifying truth
Illustration of a science fiction story with cyborgs and robots
Conflict escalades as the main character faces new obstacles and challenges
Illustration of a science fiction story with cyborgs and robots
Brother meets main character in bar and try to cheer him up
Main character takes out his frustration on a nearby robot (Double Spread Page 1 of 2)
Illustration of a science fiction story with cyborgs and robots
Main character takes out his frustration on a nearby robot (Double Spread Page 2 of 2)