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How long is one allowed to mourn?

How long is one allowed to mourn? This is the poignant question explored in Die Zeit’s issue 48/2024 and I had the honor of illustrating this deeply moving article.

Written by Sina Pousset, the piece is a heartfelt journey through the loss of her mother and the complex emotions tied to grief. It’s the kind of story that stays with you, and translating its weight into visuals was incredibly rewarding.


Die Zeit

Creative Field


Project Type



Digital, Vector
Den första illustrationen visar ett timglas med ett gråtande öga som symboliserar tiden som den efterlevande har sörjt. Den andra illustrationen visar en blomma vars kronblad är gjorda av tårar.
The illustrations for the article and the main headline which was also used as the cover for the “Entdecken” section in Zeit issue 48/2024