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Quick Sketch Portrait

A collaboration with Lenovo launching their new laptop with associated pen and touch screen. As an advertisement for this, they made a short film on Youtube where they invited famous influencers from Scandinavia to pose naked in front of 3 artists. When we were done, the works were raffled off to competing fans of each influencer.



Creative Field


Project Type

Portraits, Posters


2D, Digital
Digital illustration i samarbete med Lenovo som reklam för lanseringen av deras nya laptop med touch-skärm och penna. Bilden föreställer samma tjej ur 3 olika vinklar som sitter och står naken i en sjö, omringad av näckrosor. Färgskalan är starkt mörkgrön och mörkrosa. Digitaliseringen efterliknar akvarell. 
Digital illustration depicting 3 versions of the same girl from different angles sitting in a lake surrounded by water lilies. The color scale is strong dark green and dark pink.