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Girls with secrets

When I applied to Konstfack, one of the work samples on the theme was to find a newspaper headline and create something in relation to it. I chose an article about the shame surrounding female masturbation. I then printed out my illustration and put it up on the subway to see people’s reactions. The very public forum like the subway felt like a good place to start an attempt to break the taboo.



Creative Field


Project Type

Information Material/Publications, Posters


2D, Digital
Digital illustration på temat skammen kring kvinnligt onani. Bilden föreställer en tunnelbanevagn med 5 tjejer, varje tjej har en väska som är genomskinlig och i varje väska syns en sexleksak. Färgskalan är mörkblå, ljusblå, mörkrosa och ljusrosa. 
Digital illustration depicting a subway car with 5 girls, each girl has a bag that is transparent and in each bag are sex toys. The color scale is dark blue, light blue, light pink and dark pink.