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Who is scared of Laban? Children book

A thoughtful picture book for 3 – 6 year olds. Illustrations made in watercolors combined with digital technics.



Creative Field


Project Type

Picture Book


vattenpöl i naturen, spegling, skräddare
Illustration from the children book about Laban
citronfjäril, gräslök, natur, uppnosig 
Illustration from the children book about Laban
barn och mamma, stenar, natur, tillsammans, familj
Illustration from the children book about Laban, liten, stor
buske, blyerts, svartvitt, fjäril, ögon, prasslar i buskarna, 
Illustration from the children book about Laban
hittepåfigurer, fantasifigurer, fjäril, spegling, natur, gräs, vatten, himmel, förvånad, nyfiken
Illustration from the children book about Laban
svartvitt, blyerts, familj, igelkottar, på led, på väg hem, fjäril
Illustration from the children book about Laban