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Jennie Wiik Edman

Jennie Wiik Edman

I´ve been working freelance with design and illustration for 20 years now. When it comes to illustration I love focusing on children.   Besides my freelance work I spend time doing different kind of crafts, mainly in silver but I like to try other materials as well.

Creative Fields

Comics, Graphic Design, Illustration

Former clients include

Hatten Förlag AB, East Capital, Better Business, Hemslöjden , Stockholms Folkhögskolor, Radio Rocket, Eductus, Svenska Ingenjörer, SSQ Awards, HIV Sverige och Egmont.


Konstskolan Stockholm, Illustration och Grafisk form, Bildkursen, Birkagården, Projektarbetarutbildning, Industridesign-Förpackningsdesign, Digital Bild, Grafisk kommunikation, Webbproduktion, Fotografi, Portfolio foto, plus diverse kurser och fortbildning under åren.

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