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Martina Lundgren / Vargaform

Martina Lundgren / Vargaform

Northern illustrator and graphic designer who has worked as freelance since since 2017. I have experience in designing and illustrating books, book- and album covers, logos and other graphic material such as posters, labels, patterns - and: a tiny bit of animation. I have previously worked as a journalist/ photographer and are used to photoediting and working with text.

Creative Fields

Animation, Graphic Design, Illustration

Former clients include

Göteborgs Symfoniker, Facebook, Norrbottens Kulturskoleråd, Region Norrbotten, Svensk Form Norrbotten, Lumio förlag, Barents Publisher, BillerudKorsnäs, Sveriges Radio (text), Kalix kulturskola.


Konstnärlig kandidatexaman - Grafisk design, Luleå tekniska universitet