Niklas Grinder
Niklas Grinder
I help companies to present, explain and market their products and services with animated films, animated graphics and illustrations. Storytelling is always present in my work. The trick is to tell a story and make the viewer feel something when they are presented to your company.
Creative Fields
Animation, IllustrationFormer clients include
Lernia, Cellaviva, Preglife, PrototypEducation
Göteborgskonstskola, NyckelviksskolanPortfolio
Animated Explainer film - Baby Journey
2D, Animation, Advertisement, Motion Graphics/GIF, Vector
Animated Explainer film for Cellaviva
2D, Animation, Digital, Advertisement
Animated Explainer Film for Lernia
2D, Animation, Digital, Advertisement, Motion Graphics/GIF
Explainer Video
2D, Animation, Infographics, Motion Graphics/GIF
Animated Explainer
2D, Animation, TV/Film Graphics, Vector
Animated Intro vignette
2D, Animation, Motion Graphics/GIF, Vector