Per-Anders Nilsson
Per-Anders Nilsson
Most of my motives are animals, humans and environments. I work both on paper and digitally, enjoying the whole process from sketch to final result. You can see my work in different kinds of places; in school books, on nature reserve boards, in museum exhibitions, on various websites etc.
Creative Fields
IllustrationFormer clients include
Natur & Kultur, Peab, Svenska Jägareförbundet, Västra GötalandsregionenEducation
Kyrkeruds Folkhögskola och Högskolan för Design och Konsthantverk i GöteborgPortfolio
"Rugby players", personal work
2D, Posters, Mixed Media
"The 1880s", personal work
2D, Posters, Illustration
The church of Varnhem
2D, Posters, Illustration
2D, Illustration, Signage
Rugby players
2D, Illustration, Information Material/Publications
2D, Illustration, Web design
Overview, from "Hunting school"
Watercolor, Illustration, Teaching Materials
SPSM, "Albin cooks"
2D, Illustration, Teaching Materials
Old farm
Watercolor, Illustration, Teaching Materials
Natur & Kultur, from "SOL NOVA History 7"
2D, Illustration, Teaching Materials
Jeanne d´Arc
2D, Posters, Illustration
Seven birds
Watercolor, Illustration, Signage
Personal Work, "Dalsland Runt"
2D, Mixed Media, Illustration, Products
"Grinnsjö, Hunneberg"
2D, Illustration, Signage
"A cup of coffee", personal work
2D, Illustration, Editorial, Advertisement
Vega islander
2D, Illustration, Signage
2D, Illustration, Information Material/Publications
"Bombing of Cologne"
2D, Book Cover, Illustration
Forsviks bruk
2D, Illustration, Signage
"Behind the wall"
Watercolor, Book Illustration, Illustration