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Tania Goryushina

Tania Goryushina

I create art and illustrations. For the past 10 years, I have regularly worked on creative and reading-promoting workshops for children. One of my greatest achievement is to have established an independent and successful publishing house, which gives me the freedom to create outstanding children`s books. Thanks to my strong education from Kyiv in academic Art, I can use different techniques and am skilled in realism.

Creative Fields


Former clients include

Bonnier Carlsen, Brothers, Jönköping kommun, Konstpark i Mörby gård, Diogenes verlag, Swedish-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce


2023 Fristående kurs i Animation, Konstfack; 2011 MFA, Konsthögskolan, Umeå, Sverige; 2006 BA+MA i formgivning av böcker och illustrationer, National Technical Universitet, Kyiv, Ukraina; 1998 BA i Keramik, Art Industrial Institut, Kyiv, Ukraina;

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