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Tania Goryushina

Tania Goryushina

I create art and illustrations. For the past 10 years, I have regularly worked on creative and reading-promoting workshops for children. One of my greatest achievement is to have established an independent and successful publishing house, which gives me the freedom to create outstanding children's books. Thanks to my strong education from Kyiv in academic Art, I can use different techniques and am skilled in realism.

Creative Fields


Former clients include

Bonnier Carlsen, Brothers, Jönköping kommun, Konstpark i Mörby gård, Diogenes verlag, Swedish-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce


2023 Fristående kurs i Animation, Konstfack; 2011 MFA, Konsthögskolan, Umeå, Sverige; 2006 BA+MA i formgivning av böcker och illustrationer, National Technical Universitet, Kyiv, Ukraina; 1998 BA i Keramik, Art Industrial Institut, Kyiv, Ukraina;