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Time and faith (2024) – album cover, Victor Leksell

Album cover for musician Victor Leksell’s highly anticipated second album. The comic panels were also used in merchandising and advertising.


Sony Music / Virrejao

Creative Field


Project Type

Comic Illustration, Visual Identity Design


Digital, Ink
Albumomslag, Tid och Tro
Album cover, Tid och tro
Fotografi av det fysiska albumet
Photo depicting the physical release
Baksidan av musikalbumet
The back of the album
En sweatshirt med albumomslaget 
A sweatshirt with the album artwork printed on it
En tuff mössa med en detalj från albumomslaget invävd
A trendy cap with a detail from the album cover
T-shirt med grafisk detalj (som även råkar vara albumets namn) som tryck 
T-shirt with the central piece from the album cover (as well as its title) printed on it