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Kosterhavet National Park, signs

I was commissioned to depict two typical marine habitats which can be found in Kosterhavet National Park: a steep, deep rocky bottom and a coral reef of Lophelia pertusa. The illustrations were based on photos, species lists and the customer’s requests.


Länsstyrelsen Västra Götaland

Creative Field


Project Type

Information Material/Publications, Medical/Scientific Illustration


En ögonblicksbild från en djup, brant klippbotten i Kosterhavets nationalpark, Bohuslän. En mindre kungsfisk simmar intill stora limamusslor och påfågelrörmaskar. Illustrationen är målad i akvarell och finns på nationalparksskylten.
A snapshot from a deep rocky bottom: peacock worm (Sabella pavonina), excavated fileclam (Acesta excavata), sealoch anemone (Protanthea simplex), Barrett's horny sponge (Geodia baretti) and Norway redfish (Sebastes viviparus). These are some of the about 12 000 marine species which yet have been found in the Kosterhavet National Park.
Vetenskaplig illustration i akvarell som visar en den revbildande ögonkorallen, Lophelia pertusa, som man hittar kosterrännan, Kosterhavets Nationalpark.
The cold-water, reef-forming coral Lophelia pertusa is found in the deep Koster channel.
The national park sign at the entrance Saltö.