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Historical portrait, comic made for exhibition.

Two historical comics made for the permanent exhibition at Jönköpings läns museum. The comics ar three meters tall in the exhibition. The client provided briefs and historical facts, I created the stories and designed the characters.


Jönköpings läns museum

Creative Field


Project Type

Character Design, Comic Illustration


Detalj av personporträtt för Jönköpings läns museum, illustration av Wilhelm och hans fru Maria i ett lyckligt ögonblick.
Detail from comic wall, Wilhelm and his wife Maria in a happy moment.
Personporträtt i serieform av Sophie Sager, den första kvinnan som vann ett våldtäktsmål i Sverige. Gjord till Jönköpings läns museums permanenta utställning.
Historical portrait of Sophie Sager, the first woman i Sweden to win a rape court case. The comic is three meters tall and sits in the permanent exhibition at Jönköpings läns museum. The client delivered a brief and historical facts, i created the story and characters.
Personporträtt i serieform av Wilhelm Ekstedt, en tidig svensk crossdresser. Gjord till Jönköpings läns museums permanenta utställning.
Historical portrait of Wilhelm Ekstedt, an early Swedish crossdresser. The comic is three meters tall and sits in the permanent exhibition at Jönköpings läns museum. The client delivered a brief and historical facts, i created the story and characters.