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Smakexpeditionen, 2024

Smakexpeditionen is a project for picky eaters and their adults, made by Alster Collective. I designed the activity book, their logo and a handwritten font called Smaka for the book and their website. All the headlines in the book are handdrawn by me.

All illustrations by Johan Idesjö.


Alster Collective

Creative Field

Graphic Design

Project Type

Book Design, Logotype


Logotyp för Smakexpeditionen
Logo for Smakexpeditionen
Logotyp för Smakexpeditionen, varianter
Logo for Smakexpeditionen, variants
Omslag Smakexpeditionen - pysselbok för barn med ätsvårigheter
Cover Smakexpeditionen - activity book for picky eaters
Sida ur Smakexpeditionen - pysselbok för barn med ätsvårigheter
Page from Smakexpeditionen - activity book for picky eaters
Sida ur Smakexpeditionen - pysselbok för barn med ätsvårigheter
Page from Smakexpeditionen - activity book for picky eaters
Typsnittet Smaka, formgivet av mig på uppdrag av Alster Collective.
Smaka font, designed by me for Alster Collective.