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Design and production give aways

I oversaw the design, project management, and production of giveaways. This encompassed diffrent items, from business cards and digital templates to staff gifts, jackets and even small treats like candy/USB drives. Always with the focus on functionality, utility, and sustainability. As a result, I saw satisfied clients with practical and enjoyable products that reinforced the brand and conveyed clear messages.


Sogeti Sverige AB

Creative Field

Graphic Design

Project Type

Visual Identity Design


Exempel på profilerade produkter för Sogeti Sverige, design Maria Helgars.
Business card, jacket, popp-up and candy - examples of give aways for Sogeti, all within the same graphical designs.
Design och produktion av kakburk med profilerade klistermärken på. Design och Illustration av Maria Helgars för Sogeti.
Design and production of a jar of coockies, to be used as a gift at Christmas.
Design och produktion av mörklblå t-shirt med profildesign- och illustration på mage och rygg. Användes vid löplopp av Sogeti Sveriges anställda. Design och illustration Maria Helgars.
Design and production of branded t-shirt to be used with running competition.