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Graphic Guideline

To my client Stockholm Nordost, I provided branding services, including a communication plan, a logo and graphic style, and applying the new identity across presentations, social media, a website, and an animated film. Also, I oversaw the procurement and production of a stock image library. The outcome: a delighted client with a cohesive brand identity, compelling messaging, and enhanced visibility.


Stockhom Nordost - Vallentuna Kommun

Creative Field

Graphic Design

Project Type

Visual Identity Design, Web design


Bild på två personer som kliver av Roslagsbanan i Visinge Täby. Fotad av 360 you och art direction av Maria Helgars på designmaria AB.
Example of design for Stockholm Nordost graphical design style.
Design example of a pptx slide for Stockholm Nordost organization.
Bild som visar en webbsidas förstsasida, för organisationen Stockholm Nordost. Foto 350 you och design av Maria Helgars,
Design example of a webpage for the "Stockholm Nordost " Organization.

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