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Office Branding

I spearheaded all branding of Sogeti’s offices across the Nordics (global advisory support), design and p.m. Inkluding a rebranding transition. Designs for walls, signage, furniture, and interior, also overseeing the implementation. As a result, we achieved a positive delivery-assured workforce, established unified offices with efficient utilization of space, and created a welcoming and inspiring work environment.


Sogeti Global

Creative Field

Graphic Design

Project Type

Visual Identity Design


Många samlade exempel från Sogetis kontor i Sverige, som visar profilering av väggar, skyltning och flagga. Design Maria Helgars.
Examples from Sogeti offices in Sweden after re brand.
Exempel på Sogetis profilerinig innan nya designen. Bilden vvisar vägg, mäbler och skylt i receptionen. Design och produktion Maria Helgars.
Examples from Sogeti Sweden before re branding. Wallpaper, furniture and signages.
Exempel från innovationsrummen hos Sogeti, #valuemakerstudio med specialdesignad matta, väggpanel och flyttbara väggar. 
Examples of branding a concept room for innovation, £valuemakerstudio at Sogeti. Specially designed caroet, wall panels and movable walls.
Bilden visar flera exempel på foliering på glasväggar hos Sogeti.
Examples of foliation for glass walls, Sogeti.