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Vector graphics as a basis for animated video

The film mill commissioned me to draw a city and three young people. The material would be used for IUC Syd to make a cartoon video about applying for an internship. I drew the three young people as astronaut trainees, nurse trainees, construction trainees and as police trainees. All illustrations are drawn as vector objects in Illustrator to then be animated by my client Filmbruket.



Creative Field


Project Type

Character Design, TV/Film Graphics


Digital, Vector
en stad med höghus, cafe, fabriker och utanför staden åkrar och kor
The City
Ungdomar som praktiserar som astronauter
astronaut trainees
Ungdomar som praktiserar som sjukskötare
Young people practicing as nurses
Ungdomar som praktiserar på byggarbetsplats
Young people practicing on a construction
Ungdomar som praktiserar som policer
Police trainees