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Future scenarios, illustration

A series of 4 illustrations used to represent possible future scenariors within the development of self-propelled passenger vehicles. The illustrations have been used together in presentations. 


KTH  (Royal Institute of Technology) Integrated Transport Research Lab

Creative Field


Project Type

Infographics, Storyboard


Digital, Mixed Media, Vector
Same, same, but all the difference. Environmentally conscious consumption favouring sustainable production, you do not share your information.
Shared is the new black. Mobility and services, public and private intertwined, curious and trusting people, big brother is watching and knows everything.
Business as (un)usual. The world is very similar to what it looks like today. You own and do not share, many digital solutions, increased tariffs and walls separate countries.
What you need is what you get.Global information giants lead life, winners in customer insight, ownership is out, we are all in the hands of big companies.

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