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Concept sketches

Concept art for pitch for an animated show about an inventor family.


Kid E Media

Creative Field


Project Type

Character Design


Digital, Pencil
Tecknad pappa med verktygsbälte och handkontroll, tecknad mamma med tangentbord och ansiktsvisir.
Concept sketches, father and mother.
Tecknade barn i olika åldrar.
Concept sketches, older and younger siblings.
Tecknad hundfamilj med robothund
Concept sketches, dog family with robot pet
Skisser av olika robotdesigner
Concept sketches, robots
Tecknad skiss av mamma som kommunikatonsoperatör 
Concept sketch, mother as operator
Skisser av olika futuristiska hem 
Concept sketches, futuristic homes

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