Visar alla projekt taggade med: Expression
Picture Book, Mixed Media, Book Cover, Digital, Illustration
Emoji stickers
2D, Illustration, Character Design, Vector
Little panda bear
Watercolor, Picture Book, Illustration, Character Design
Self portraits
Pencil, Illustration, Portraits, Ink
Digital stickers of expressions and feelings
Digital, Icons/Pictograms, Illustration
Mixed feelings
Watercolor, Mixed Media, Illustration, Pattern Design, Portraits
Posters, Digital, Illustration, Vector
Book Illustration, Illustration, Comics, Ink
Posters, Collage, Digital, Illustration, Paper Cut
Mixed Media, Collage, Digital, Illustration, Editorial
Mixed Media, Collage, Digital, Illustration, Editorial
Illustrated tips on how to talk about mental health.
Posters, Mixed Media, Collage, Digital, Graphic Design, Illustration, Information Material/Publications