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Visar alla projekt taggade med: Retro

Watercolor, Illustration, Advertisement
Watercolor, Illustration, Advertisement
Collage, Illustration, Paper Cut, Editorial, Vector
Mixed Media, Collage, Illustration, Editorial
Collage, Digital, Illustration, Editorial
2D, Digital, Illustration, Information Material/Publications, Editorial, Vector
Illustration, Pattern Design, Vector
Panora, logotype.
Digital, Graphic Design, Logotype, Vector
Harvesting rain water
Collage, Digital, Illustration, Infographics, Advertisement, Vector
image-multiple-icon Förenklad illustration av lungor och hjärna
Digital, Illustration, Medical/Scientific Illustration, Pattern Design, Vector
Personal work, Illustration Camogli
Watercolor, Pencil, Illustration, Editorial, Ink
Personal Work
2D, Posters, Digital, Graphic Design, Illustration, Vector
Watercolor, Mixed Media, Illustration, Pattern Design, Products
image-multiple-icon Benedict Cumberbatch
Covers ★
Mixed Media, Illustration, Portraits, Editorial
image-multiple-icon "Odes" a book by the Belgian author and cultural historian David Van Reybrouck, containing  more than 50 illustrations and published in Dutch, German and French.
"Odes" a book by the Belgian author and cultural historian David Van Reybrouck, containing  more than 50 illustrations and published in Dutch, German and French.
Mixed Media, Illustration, Information Material/Publications, Editorial
image-multiple-icon HJÄLP, DOM KOMMER!- Paula McManus och Sofia von Schmalensees nyskrivna föreställning, i regi av Paula McManus på Ung Scen Öst i vår.
☛ HJÄLP, DOM KOMMER! (HELP, IT IS COMING!) Paula McManus and Sofia von Schmalensee's newly written theatre play,  directed by Paula McManus at Ung Scen Öst this spring
Mixed Media, Illustration, Information Material/Publications, Editorial
Key to STHLM- Vintage jewelry
Watercolor, Pencil, Illustration, Editorial, Ink
image-multiple-icon Palestinaboken (Tecknare i solidaritet). En publikation av Tecknaruppropet där alla försäljningsintäkter går direkt till Palestinagruppernas akutinsamling för Gaza.
"Peace is Fragile", a contribution to The Palestine book  (Swedish artists in solidarity).  A publication by Tecknaruppropet there all sales revenues go to the Palestinian groups’ Emergency Collection for Gaza.
Illustration, Paper Cut, Products, Advertisement, Screen Printing
image-multiple-icon Label for Chilsijo, a chili sauce made in Sweden.
Mixed Media, Book Cover, Collage, Graphic Design, Illustration, Lettering
Digital, Engraving, Illustration, Portraits
Book Cover, Digital, Graphic Design, Engraving, Illustration, Maps
Posters, Mixed Media, Digital, Graphic Design, Illustration
The church of Varnhem
2D, Posters, Illustration
Posters, Mixed Media, Pencil, Fantasy, Illustration, Ink
"Old time block"
2D, Posters, Mixed Media, Illustration, Products, Vector
"Collection of boxes"
2D, Posters, Mixed Media, Graphic Design, Illustration, Paper Cut, Products
Illustration, Pattern Design, Vector
Sensation, Cup with Saucer
Packaging, Illustration, Logotype, Vector
Mixed Media, Illustration, Products, Ink
image-multiple-icon Affisch till pjäsen "Vad hände med Zozo & Becky?" En produktion av UNG SCEN/ÖST, Östgötateatern
Poster for the play "What Happened to Zozo & Becky?" ("Vad hände med Zozo & Becky?"). A production by UNG SCEN/ÖST, Östgöteater
Mixed Media, Book Cover, Illustration, Editorial
Coverillustration for magazine
Mixed Media, Illustration, Editorial
Mixed Media, Illustration, Editorial, Vector
Little Wordy Wordburger
Picture Book, Illustration, Vector
Total Recall Series
Mixed Media, Book Design, Digital, Illustration, Portraits
2D, Animation, Digital, Motion Graphics/GIF, TV/Film Graphics
Halloween pumpkin
2D, Mixed Media, Illustration, Portraits, Ink
Queen of Narnia, personal project
2D, Graphic Design, Icons/Pictograms, Illustration, Game Graphics, Vector
Up & Away
Digital, Illustration, Advertisement, Comic Illustration, Ink