Visar alla projekt taggade med: Skulptur
Three figures
Mixed Media, Illustration, Character Design
Book Illustration, Digital, Illustration
Monsters & Art
Posters, Collage, Illustration, Paper Cut, Advertisement
Interactive Sculptural Video Installation at Department Festival
Animation, Mixed Media, Public Art
'Chasing my tail' sculpture in acrylic glass for exhibition
Mixed Media, Illustration, Public Art
'Water me every now and then' sculptural installation, fanzine and animation.
Mixed Media, Illustration, Public Art
'Ruins & Flowers', hanging sculptural installation
Mixed Media, Illustration, Public Art
Portrait, Elisabeth Catlett
Mixed Media, Digital, Illustration, Portraits
Morris Stockholm
Mixed Media, Illustration, Information Material/Publications
Quist & Quist on tour
Collage, Illustration, Public Art
Detail from map
Watercolor, Illustration, Information Material/Publications, Ink
The bicycle and the cities
Mixed Media, Illustration, Public Art
Mixed Media, Illustration, Public Art
Mixed Media, Illustration, Public Art