Visar alla projekt taggade med: städning

Sorry, call of nature...
Illustration, Pattern Design, Vector

Logo sticker for environmentally friendly cars
Digital, Graphic Design, Logotype, Vector

Animation projcts
Animation, Information Material/Publications, Short film, Vector

Manual for tenants.
Mixed Media, Illustration, Information Material/Publications, Ink

Manual for tenants.
Mixed Media, Illustration, Information Material/Publications

About cleaning and order and how difficult it can be.
Mixed Media, Illustration, Editorial

Inside sustainability.
Mixed Media, Illustration, Editorial, Ink

Vågar du kräva egentid?
Illustration, Information Material/Publications, Editorial

Illustration, Information Material/Publications, Vector

Dust, 2009
Book Illustration, Digital, Graphic Design, Illustration, Comic Illustration

Berendsen. Calendar, Art prints
Watercolor, Illustration, Advertisement

"Morfar Kan", picture book, 2018
Watercolor, Picture Book, Pencil, Illustration

Watercolor, Illustration, Products

Posters, Mixed Media, Illustration

Illustration, Editorial, Vector

Osouji | School cleaning
2D, Picture Book, Illustration

Toilet cleaner
Mixed Media, Illustration, Information Material/Publications, Editorial, Vector

Mixed Media, Illustration, Editorial, Vector

Picture Book, Mixed Media, Illustration