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"Pups of the world" – Illustration series

An illustration series with a playful touch, featuring dogs from around the world in various climates. Each dog is created separately to be used individually as well as assembled into groups.


Eget projekt

Creative Field


Project Type

Book Illustration, Editorial


2D, Digital
Hundar (mastiff, mops, finsk lapphund, engelsk bulldogg, dalmatiner, shar pei, samojed) som leker och chillar ute i regnet.
Gulliga hundar (jack russell terrier, golden retriever, tax, pomeranian, rottweiler, grand danois) som leker ute i skogen.
Ett gäng hundar i olika raser (eurasier, corgi, shiba, siberian husky, keeshond, sankt bernhardshund) som chillar ute i öknen
Glada hundar (labrador, alaskan malamute, Isländsk fårhund, schäfer, akita, border collie) som är redo att utforska bergen.
En grupp söta hundar av olika raser (bostonterrier, greyhound, pudel, chow chow, beagle, jämthund) tar det lugnt i djungeln.