All projects in category TV/Film Graphics

Hela Sverige bakar kändis
Anna-Maria Marklund

Hearts of Iron trailer
Torbjörn Källström

Showreel 2024
Aylen Solander Labrin

så mycket bättre TV Intro
Shai Dahan

Hold on
Jessica Laurén

NBC News Digital Docs — Illustrations & konceptdesign
Madelene Wikskär

Motion graphics
Maria Olsson

TORE, title design & animation
Alba Lange

Wunschnauten - Dragon
Sara Hjertkvist

Grand exit
Stina Lövkvist

Cat vs. Leaves
Stina Lövkvist

Rex Kids trailer
Stina Lövkvist

Cinematic screenshots, Distant Bloom, 2023
Jessica Svendeborn

Den gröna kapplöpningen
Olga Nycander

Electrical Installations, Video Graphics
Björn Eriksson

Vector graphics as a basis for animated video
Mette Korsmoe Koverberg / Graphicview I See U ab

Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story - Titelsekvens
Aylen Solander Labrin

Mamma Moo Finds Her Way Home
Aylen Solander Labrin

Feature Film - Nahuel y el Libro Mágico
Aylen Solander Labrin

History of the world
Paco Garcia

Animation's showreel
Paco Garcia

Live Date
Joakim Agervald

Benny Brun och hans overlappsfjun
Paco Garcia

The paper calendar for the Christmas calendar 2022 – The Crown Prince who disappeared
Rikard Häll

Animation reel
Mattias Andersson

Artist Presentations for Eurovision 2010
Per Demervall

James Yorkston & The Second Hand Orchestra - There Is No Upside
Jonna Hallberg

Allt That is Left
Alba Lange

Christmas town
Sara N Bergman

diAx animation
Peter Göransson

Illustration for advert
Giuseppe Cristiano

Illustration for advert
Giuseppe Cristiano

Illustration for advert
Giuseppe Cristiano

Illustration for advert
Giuseppe Cristiano

Moa Graaf

Animated Explainer
Niklas Grinder

"Guilty hearts" - pitch music video
Jessica Laurén

Alba Lange

Alba Lange

Alba Lange

Heartbeats, title design and animation
Alba Lange

News In Motion
Hey Pantarei

JIYU gif
Anders Worm

Christofer Ahde

Christofer Ahde

Marie-Louise Hedin

Christofer Ahde

Valeria Hedman

Sofia Lantz Barzi
Background for SHIELDMAIDEN
Sofia Lantz Barzi

"Storken" animated film storyboard
Sofia Lantz Barzi
PompaDor Set design
Sofia Lantz Barzi

Johan Thörnqvist

Unicef, Illustrations, 2017
Jenny Soep

Music video - Boy
Emelie Zetterberg

Emelie Zetterberg

Emma Hjelm

Alexander Jansson

Emma Hjelm

Emma Hjelm

Emma Hjelm

Emma Hjelm

Personal work, "Aquarium", 2020
Emma Hjelm

Animated projection to The Royal Armoury in Stockholm
Emma Hjelm

Ormar i Flen, text Helen Rundgren. UR skola
Jessika Berglund

Rebecka L Manzuoli

Madeleine Fjäll

The Toothbrush song
Johan Lindh

Kalle och Chokladfabriken
Bengt Arne Runnerström

Annika Giannini

John Schütte

John Schütte

Alba Lange

Thunder In My Heart
Alba Lange

Gunilla Guldbrand

Jonatan Jönsson

Jonatan Jönsson