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Stuck in a Perfect Storm –  Göteborgs-Posten, Två Dagar

Is alcohol your savior or your enemy? Illustrations for an article about alcoholism.



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Illustrated image with a person slowly drowning while drinking from a bottle. Black clouds in the sky.
Stuck in a Perfect Storm –  Göteborgs-Posten, Två Dagar
Illustration in which you see a wine bottle, a beer glass, and a wine glass. A person is sitting in the wine bottle looking gloomy. Inside the bottle and the glasses are white clouds and outside are dark clouds.
Stuck in a Perfect Storm –  Göteborgs-Posten, Två Dagar
Illustration in which you see a wine glass lying down. A person is crawling out of the wine glass and at the same time moving a dark cloud out of the way. Behind the dark cloud is a light cloud and the sun.
Stuck in a Perfect Storm –  Göteborgs-Posten, Två Dagar