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Professor Presentations for Annual Academic Ceremony

Illustrations commissioned for the inauguration of the new professors at the Malmö University in 2022.  Each illustration was transformed into a film and screened during the annual ceremony.


Malmö universitet

Creative Field


Project Type

Information Material/Publications, Portraits


Tecknat porträtt av forskaren Cecilia Trenter, omgiven av fornminnen och drakar
Cecilia Trenter is a professor in history didactics, and has studied a variety of subjects ranging from critical historiography from the use of history in fiction.
Illustrerat porträtt av Kristina Hellén-Halme omgiven av röntgenutrustning
Kristina Hellén-Halme is a dentist and professor in odontologics, specialised in digital x-ray technique.
Illustration av Mats Edenius, och människor som kommunicerar via mobiler och datorer
Mats Edenius is a professor in information systems.