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Cecilia Waxberg

Cecilia Waxberg

I’m a designer, illustrator, and artist based in Malmö, Sweden who loves to do colorful, expressive, and simple stuff.  I work with ink and brushes that leave bold strokes and character to my designs.  Welcome to my colorful world of creatures and characters full of heart and joy!

Creative Fields

Graphic Design, Illustration

Former clients include

Berendsen, Hjerteforeningen Danmark, Eon, Femina, Ikea, Hälsa & Vetenskap, Liber, Libris, Malmö Stad, Malmö Högskola, Matmagasinet, På Limhamn, Scandlines, Sony Ericsson, SEB, Sepsisfonden, Skånemedia, Sydsvenskan


Grafiska Tecknare Polhemsskolan Lund, Academy of Art College

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