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A Winter Dream - the Goblins

Short comic made for Malmö Folkets Park and the project A Winter Dream in 2020 and 2021. 
I was commissioned to make a short comic based on an extract of a winter themed fairytale, and it was later exhibited together with other comics and artworks in the park. 


Malmö Folkets Park

Creative Field


Project Type

Comic Illustration, Posters


Digital, Pencil
Vättarna i Vinterdröm som kokar magisk saft 
With kids as the primary target group I wanted to make colorful and detailed pictures and I choose not to use any frames or text, in order to make the comic accessible to as many as possible.
I also thought of it as a way to force the visitors to stop and have a closer look - and hopefully discuss what is happening in the pictures.  
Vättar som vattnar ett träd i Vinterdröm.
In the tale we are introduced to the goblins who inhabits the land Winter Dream. They harvest a special flower and from the flower they make a juice with which they water the trees. And that is what gives the trees their magical light! I wanted to show the process of the goblins work, and the result of it, when the human child who's visiting Winter Dream, watches the trees light up at night.   
Ett barn som hittar ett paket.
Ett barn tittar på ett magiskt träd. 
Affischer med serier i Folkets Park i Malmö på vintern. 
Winter 2020: The comic is exhibited on posters in the street outside the park. 
Sagobilder på väggar. 
2021: The comic was printes in a much larger size and covered the walls inside one of the gift boxes that was scattered around the park.