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Visar alla projekt taggade med: Monster

image-multiple-icon Art cover for the game Esoteric Ebb in color
Esoteric Ebb, Video Game
2D, Digital, Fantasy, Illustration, Character Design
image-multiple-icon Illustrated pattern by Susse Linton about creating patterns.
"Curious about pattern design" IKEA Museum Workshop
Illustration, Pattern Design, Workshop
image-multiple-icon Abstrakta illustrationer och mönster på förpackningar. Blandad teknik och kreativa organiska motiv. 
H&M Beauty Hair
Mixed Media, Collage, Packaging, Illustration, Pattern Design
Omslagsbild av barn- och ungdomsboken Fruktansvärda grejer. Två vänner står och spanar ut i mörkret. Bakom dem syns ett otäckt monster med tentakler och lysande, röda ögon.
Fruktansvärda grejer som ingen får veta, book cover 2024
Pencil, Book Cover, Fantasy, Illustration, Ink
image-multiple-icon Illustration av ett vinkande monster
The waving monster
2D, Digital, Fantasy, Illustration, Character Design
image-multiple-icon Semi abstrakt väggmålning till Restaurang Artilleriet
Wall painting
Mixed Media, Illustration, Mural/Wall Art, Public Art
Exhibition Book Design — Ivin Ballen
2D, Book Design, Book Cover, Digital, Graphic Design
Digital, Illustration, Character Design, Motion Graphics/GIF, Vector
13 omen
2D, Pencil, Book Illustration, Fantasy, Illustration
image-multiple-icon Omslagsbild av grafiska romanen Odjuren
The Beasts, a graphic novel
Picture Book, Pencil, Book Cover, Digital, Comics
Blonde in space
Pillow & Lucky in space!
2D, Posters, Book Illustration, Digital, Illustration
Haveristerna podcast
Haveristerna 2023
2D, Book Cover, Digital, Illustration, Character Design
Watercolor, Picture Book, Digital, Illustration, Pattern Design
Fireorder V8
Digital, Illustration, Pattern Design, Products, Vector
The Mutants The book of black arts
Picture Book, Digital, Illustration, Comic Illustration
To Comfort a Monster, picture book
Picture Book, Book Cover, Illustration
Affisch för Obygden Cirkusfestival 2022. I bakgrunden syns en mörk fantasivarelse med stora horn. Mot en röd himmel avtecknar sig siluetter av en granskog.
Poster Obygden Circus festival
Posters, Digital, Illustration
Sketches in color
Be nice!
Microscopic abstract patterns
Mixed Media, Illustration, Pattern Design
image-multiple-icon Affisch för rockkonsert med en gorgon, kanske medusa, mot en stjärnhimmel.
Poster for rock concert
Posters, Digital, Illustration, Ink
image-multiple-icon ålderstrappa
To lead every age
Mixed Media, Collage, Illustration, Editorial
Rabén & Sjögren, bilderbok
2D, Picture Book, Book Illustration, Digital, Illustration
Framsidan av omslaget till boken Helgoland, av Carlo Rovelli. Utgiven på Fri tanke. 
Helgoland, cover design
Book Cover, Digital, Graphic Design
A Midsummer Nightmare
Watercolor, Book Illustration, Book Cover, Illustration, Ink
"Yokai", animation
Animation, Digital, Fantasy, Motion Graphics/GIF
Rysliga förskolan
Picture Book, Digital, Illustration
Mixed Media, Book Illustration, Fantasy, Illustration, Ink
Book cover
Mixed Media, Book Illustration, Book Cover, Illustration, Ink
The face of war
Digital, Illustration, Portraits, Caricature
A map of Swedish tales & folklore
Digital, Fantasy, Illustration, Teaching Materials
image-multiple-icon Illustration av katt med katter. Tecknad med bläck. Illustrerad av Hedvig Wisselgren.
Book Illustration, Fantasy, Illustration, Ink
Personal work
Watercolor, Picture Book, Book Illustration, Illustration
"Medusa and Athena"
Posters, Digital, Illustration, Vector
Who lives here?
Picture Book, Digital, Fantasy, Illustration
Where the wild things are
Picture Book, Mixed Media, Illustration
Walpurgis Sacrifice. Book illustration.
Book Illustration, Fantasy, Illustration, Ink
Instructional illustrations, health care
2D, Illustration, Information Material/Publications, Medical/Scientific Illustration, Vector
Mixed Media, Book Illustration, Fantasy, Illustration
Personal work - Koi Abyss
Digital, Fantasy, Engraving, Illustration
Mixed Media, Book Illustration, Illustration
Watercolor, Book Illustration, Illustration
2D, Book Illustration, Digital, Illustration
The dragon and the mouse
Watercolor, Picture Book, Mixed Media, Digital, Illustration
Mixed Media, Book Illustration, Digital, Fantasy, Illustration
Watercolor, Picture Book, Illustration, Ink
Illustration, "Course with Kurt"
Illustration, Information Material/Publications, Ink
Five creatures from swedish folklore
Pencil, Digital, Packaging, Graphic Design, Illustration
Digital, Illustration, Products
Watercolor, Picture Book, Mixed Media, Book Cover, Illustration
2D, Book Cover, Digital, Fantasy, Illustration
Enchanted forest
Picture Book, Digital, Illustration
Illustration, "Bodies"
Posters, Mixed Media, Pencil, Digital, Illustration
Watercolor, Picture Book, Book Cover, Illustration
Watercolor, Picture Book, Mixed Media, Illustration
"Vampire", Monsterbestiarium, 2018
Picture Book, Mixed Media, Pencil, Fantasy, Illustration, Ink
Sinfoyra. Stockholm. 2020
Watercolor, Collage, Illustration, Information Material/Publications, Ink
Digital, Illustration, Editorial, Comics, Comic Illustration, Vector
Bibliotherapy Editorial illustration
Mixed Media, Illustration, Editorial, Vector
SPLEJ, Illustrations for chapter books
2D, Book Cover, Illustration, Character Design, Ink
Personal Work, "Dancing Dreams"
2D, Picture Book, Mixed Media, Book Cover, Illustration
2D, Animation, Short film, Paper Cut, Motion Graphics/GIF
But You Are a Dog (TEASER, animated short film, 2014)
2D, Animation, Short film, Motion Graphics/GIF

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