All projects in category Book Design

Nordic Folklore
Jonnie Holmberg

Assembling an Archive
Ida Sondell

Spöktimmen | Book design
Anna Söderberg

Perennial Vegetables - Illustration and book layout
Ida Sondell

A Handbook for those who collect
Linnéa Krylén

Book design
Kajsa Nordlund

Bokomslag, Kris med stort K
Martina Lundgren / Vargaform

'Halva Malmö består av killar som dumpat mig': fictive book cover re-design
Fanny Lundqvist

Alex Howes

Bo Alvarsson

Cover for audiobook, Saga Egmont
Moa Fagerlund

Book design
Kajsa Nordlund

Book covers for childrens books
Hanna Ingvarsson

Kawaii Christmas Countdown
Emelie Stigwan

SPSM learning materials
Lotte Kölare

Back to Hampstead
Annika Huett

Miljardären i skottlinjen, cover design.
Martina Andersson

Graphic design and illustration, school material
Emilie Bergman

And then there were none
Fikrete Meta

Crooked Kingdom
Fikrete Meta

Six of Crows
Fikrete Meta

The principles of the rule of law
John Persson

The law and its working methods
John Persson

Käre ledare
John Persson

Fifteen property law research results
John Persson

From world war to corona
John Persson

Ethical stress
John Persson

Book cover
John Persson

Children`s book "A Different Horse"
Tania Goryushina

Bruges-La-Morte, cover design
Martina Andersson

"De i stort sett obeskrivliga"
Isabell Kirstinä

Eben von Ruben och husbarnet, Kikkuli Förlag
Jesper Jenemark

Lisa Rydell

Lisa Rydell

Elis father gets cancer
Etta Röstlund

VFU-handledning | Book cover
Anna Söderberg

A divided land
Janette Bornmarker

Salads with taste
Erica Jacobson

Illustrerad kokbok: Something sweet, something salty and something decorative
Clara Wikström

Answer and Sign
Fikrete Meta

Smakexpeditionen, 2024
Malin Skogberg Nord

I am studying my native language, would you like to know what I have learned?
Malin Olsson

50 stories about USA
Magnus Frederiksen

Activity book for 4-year-olds
Fanny Lundqvist

Book cover
Linda Pabst

Minna, children's book
Maria Gustavsson

Lilian Bäckman

Lilian Bäckman

Kawaii Christmas Countdown
Emelie Stigwan

Picture book: The washing machine museum
Rebecca Landmér

Book: Mindful eating
Rebecca Landmér

Children's book illustrations for Éditions Larousse
Cecilia Stenmark

(50 countries in one morning)
Oskar Jonsson

Childhood memories / Book design and illustration
Josefin Lidh

Vicky's Inn
Amanda Berglund

Exhibition Book Design — Ivin Ballen
Madelene Wikskär

Book about social media
Maja Cronert

Humorous book with illustrations
Maja Cronert

Illustrations, poetry book
Lena Sjöberg

The blackbird (children's book)
Petra Meyer Linderoth

illustration and graphic design of the book Barnens fjällbok
Emilie Bergman

Book cover
Ida Andersson

Martina Lundgren / Vargaform

The Big Five
Adrian Wiren

At the park
Selma Björk Kristjansdottir

History marketing
Åsa Kax

Sweden in Brazil
Åsa Kax

Åsa Kax

Var är bebisen? Children's book
Saga Bergebo

Haja Havre
Sara Petterson

"Playing easily - Patterns for fuse beads"
Lidia Blomgren

Medley: Rewind (small press graphic novel)
Lisa Medin / Korkskruv Mediabilder AB

Clara Wikström

Män och sex | Book design
Anna Söderberg

Vår, Cover design
Martina Andersson

Cover design, Hard Times
Martina Andersson

Tanke och dröm, cover design
Martina Andersson

The recipe book Manna
Ulrika Arenius

Bygga stad Bookdesign
Petra Fagerlind

Book cover "Udda fåglars ö"
Amanda Berglund

Introduktion till entreprenadrätt
Petra Fagerlind

Marheim - Träden tar över | Book Cover
Madeleine Fjäll

Pirret, livet, drivet. Book design, cover and inlay.
Malin Trotzig

Andra bullar, childrens book.
Kajsa Nordlund

Ät din jävel, book design
Malin Trotzig

Book cover illustrations
Hanna Ingvarsson

Unsettled Ground
Kerstin Hanson

Kerstin Hanson

Book design
Petra Meyer Linderoth

Mat för snåla & fattiga
Olga Nycander

Tillbaka till underjorden
Magnus Frederiksen

När Svenskarna sköt skarpt
Magnus Frederiksen

Public spaces
Petra Meyer Linderoth

Trendenser - Bookillustrations
Pernilla Frimodig

Book design
Petra Meyer Linderoth

Book design – The Azores nine islands in the middle of the Atlantic
Petra Meyer Linderoth

Graphic form and illustration of teaching material book
Petra Meyer Linderoth

Book design
Petra Meyer Linderoth

Sólin | Book club
Elin Mejergren

ABC book
Mette Korsmoe Koverberg / Graphicview I See U ab