Visar alla projekt taggade med: Lekfullt

The playground
Book Illustration

Lillebil - Illustration for calender
Digital, Illustration, Products, Advertisement

2D, Animation, Digital, Motion Graphics/GIF

Information poster - International Law Research Day 2024.
Posters, Digital, Illustration, Information Material/Publications

Blossoms of childhood
Posters, Digital, Illustration

Yoga with dog - Poster and illustrations to the yoga festival
Posters, Digital, Illustration, Advertisement

Bokmässan by night programme 2024
2D, Book Illustration, Book Cover, Digital, Illustration

Cute autumn illustrations of animals
Watercolor, Picture Book, Digital, Illustration, Character Design

Språkutvecklande arbetssätt i alla ämnen | Book cover
2D, Mixed Media, Book Cover, Graphic Design, Teaching Materials

Åhléns Christmas campaign and window display
Watercolor, Pencil, Illustration, Pattern Design, Signage

Langue learning
2D, Digital, Illustration, Information Material/Publications, Teaching Materials

Digital illustrations
Picture Book, Digital, Illustration, Teaching Materials

Digital illustrations
Picture Book, Digital, Illustration, Teaching Materials

Big brain energy
2D, Posters, Digital, Illustration

36 days of type 2023
2D, Posters, Digital, Graphic Design, Lettering

Posters, Illustration, Screen Printing

At the park
Book Design, Book Illustration, Digital, Illustration

Var är bebisen? Children's book
2D, Picture Book, Book Design, Digital, Illustration

Vad gör alla? Children's book
2D, Book Illustration, Digital, Illustration, Lettering

Mural, Vasakronan
2D, Mixed Media, Illustration, Mural/Wall Art, Public Art

Posters, Digital, Illustration

A life puzzle
Digital, Illustration, Pattern Design, Vector

Playful packaging illustration for Great Earth childens vitamins
Digital, Packaging, Illustration, Vector

Animated sci-fi inspired illustrations
2D, Animation, Digital, Fantasy, Motion Graphics/GIF

Art posters for exhibition about AI and the digitalisation of art.
2D, Posters, Digital, Illustration, Motion Graphics/GIF

Print design for SWOONS
Watercolor, Illustration, Pattern Design

Swedish summer
Digital, Illustration, Editorial

Mixed pics from childrensbooks
Picture Book, Book Design, Illustration

Läkerol | Packaging design
2D, Packaging, Illustration, Lettering, Vector

Swing cats | Pattern design
2D, Illustration, Pattern Design, Products, Vector

Max and Ville, picture book
2D, Picture Book, Book Illustration, Digital, Illustration

Peachy keen
Digital, Illustration, Portraits, Editorial

Celebrate you
Digital, Illustration, Editorial

Koloni Spring 2023
Posters, Digital, Illustration

Childrensbok, Going to the bath, Book illustration
Watercolor, Book Illustration, Book Cover, Digital, Illustration

For childrens videogame
2D, Illustration, Character Design, Game Graphics, Vector

Kommunikation, ItidenAB
Mixed Media, Illustration, Editorial, Vector, Web design

Childrens book
Picture Book, Mixed Media, Digital, Illustration

Six salmons
Digital, Comics, Comic Illustration

Illustration for candy store visual identity
Digital, Illustration, Vector, Visual Identity Design

We are the letters!
Posters, Mixed Media, Illustration, Teaching Materials

Happy halloween animation
2D, Animation, Digital, Editorial, Motion Graphics/GIF

IMPRA Jazz Festival
Digital, Graphic Design, Logotype, Vector, Visual Identity Design

Mixed Media, Collage, Graphic Design, Information Material/Publications, Advertisement

Banana pattern
Mixed Media, Illustration, Pattern Design

Children's culture festival for schools
Posters, Animation, Digital, Motion Graphics/GIF

Picture Book, Pencil, Digital, Illustration, Infographics

Cunning as a roach
Watercolor, Picture Book, Book Cover, Digital, Illustration

Think of Me
Watercolor, Book Illustration, Illustration

Roco Baby Concept Store
2D, Mixed Media, Graphic Design, Illustration, Mural/Wall Art, Visual Identity Design

Viaplay, "Avatars"
Digital, Icons/Pictograms, Illustration, Character Design, Vector

Mixed Media, Book Illustration, Book Cover, Illustration

2D, Digital, Illustration, Teaching Materials, Editorial

Illustration, Pattern Design, Vector

Digital, Illustration, Teaching Materials, Workshop

Map of garden
Posters, Digital, Illustration, Maps

Posters, Digital, Illustration, Maps

Picture Book, Book Illustration, Digital, Illustration

Colourful sci-fi inspired illustrations
2D, Posters, Digital, Fantasy, Illustration

2D, Animation, Mixed Media, Digital, Graphic Design, Illustration, Motion Graphics/GIF, TV/Film Graphics

2D, 3D, Mixed Media, Graphic Design, Illustration, Advertisement

Mixed Media, Book Cover, Graphic Design, Illustration

Book Cover, Digital, Illustration

The Muses
Animation, Mixed Media, Fantasy, Motion Graphics/GIF

Digital, Graphic Design, Illustration, Advertisement

Picture Book, Digital, Illustration

Picture Book, Illustration, Vector

Strange machines, poster illustrations
Posters, Mixed Media, Book Illustration, Digital, Illustration

Riddles at the cinema
2D, Illustration, Editorial

Språktidningen, editorials
Digital, Illustration, Editorial, Ink

Gaza, #alleyesonrafah
2D, Posters, Digital, Illustration

Picture Book, Mixed Media, Book Cover, Illustration

Utemagasinet (Outdoor Magazine)
Collage, Digital, Illustration, Editorial

Postal Gnomes - water color

Posters, Mixed Media, Pencil, Book Illustration, Illustration, Ink

Peace march of the dogs
Picture Book, Illustration

Text and logo design and animations
2D, Animation, Mixed Media, Illustration, Logotype, Motion Graphics/GIF