All projects in category Teaching Materials

Teaching materials, Champ fk-2
Camilla Atterby

Teaching materials, SVEA 7
Camilla Atterby

Teching materials, Champ 3
Camilla Atterby

Teaching materials, Chez nous 9
Camilla Atterby

Teaching materials, Chez nous 7-8
Camilla Atterby

Green food
Emelie Bylund

Chez nous 6. Educational series. French for grade 6-9.
Camilla Atterby

SVEA educational book
Camilla Atterby

Portrait Wall of Femme
Christina Heitmann

illustrations - dementia
Mattias Gordon

Invasive species
Hans von Corswant

Solar cells and charging posts
Hans von Corswant

Cultivation for young people
Hans von Corswant

A right to know, e-learning
Cecilia Birgerson Nordling

Book cover and interior illustrations for Arkad, Gleerup Förlag
Matilda Petersson

Symbols for all the subjects in elementary school
Helena Halvarsson

Parenthood and Diabetes
Christina Heitmann

Time for Poetry
Marcus Jernberger

Helena Halvarsson

Employee killed at workplace
Stefan Lindblad

Illustrations Nobelstiftelsen
Christina Heitmann

Uppsala University
Mia Fernau

Michaela Mejàre

Illustrations, school book
Emilie Bergman

Animation / illustration
Emilie Bergman

Tid för poesi
Astrid Sterngren

Moisture for architects and other builders
Mats Rundlöf

Cute cat, book cover design
Daphne Sivetidis

Activity cards
Viktoria Åström

Elin Hägg

Swedish Species Information Centre, digital key to Gentiana plants
Maj Persson

Illustrations to book Klasskompisar
Camilla Frantzell

Ledningsgrupp i skolan | Book cover
Anna Söderberg

Språkutvecklande arbetssätt i alla ämnen | Book cover
Anna Söderberg

Graphic design and illustration, school material
Emilie Bergman

Sam's Secret
Stella Spente

E-course, Slussen Bus Terminal
Cecilia Birgerson Nordling

Kari Modén

Memory game - Egmont
Kajsa Hallström

Wooden puzzle - Egmont
Kajsa Hallström

Wooden Knob Puzzle - Egmont
Kajsa Hallström

Natur&Kultur, learning materials
Tilda Mårtensson

Team English: Activity Book, Studentlitteratur
Cecilia Birgerson Nordling

Differtent losse illustrations
Stefanie Jegerings

Various loose illustrations
Stefanie Jegerings

SIgns for naturetrails for kids
Stefanie Jegerings

Coloring pages
Stefanie Jegerings

Booklet with illustrated map
Stefanie Jegerings

Mice and trees
Stefanie Jegerings

Vinters night
Jessika Berglund

animals and birds
Jessika Berglund

The Guardian
Maria Nil Imre

Under the Dome
Maria Nil Imre

Fun to Learn-series
Sandra Fröjd

Teaching and learning for small children
Jennie Wiik Edman

Illustration och graphic design, quiz
Emilie Bergman

The Math Mountain
Carina Söe-Knudsen

Swedish together
Sanny Thor

Swedish together
Sanny Thor

Nadja Schwendemann

I can already do that - recognise sequences
Nadja Schwendemann

christmas riddelbook
Nadja Schwendemann

Langue learning
Agnes Turesson

Sand - easy-to-read
Jennifer Berglund

Digital illustrations
Etta Röstlund

Black and white illustrations
Etta Röstlund

Simpler illustrations
Etta Röstlund

Digital illustrations
Etta Röstlund

The Ocean Adventure
Carina Söe-Knudsen

Football puzzle block
Nadja Schwendemann

Educational literature geography
Rebecca Landmér

Explainer animation, for school
Emilie Bergman

Illustration for teaching material
Cecilia Stenmark

Illustration for teaching material
Cecilia Stenmark

Illustration for teaching material
Cecilia Stenmark

Illustration for teaching material
Cecilia Stenmark

Linda Blåfors Carlsson

Common Ground
Eisel Miranda Robles

Växter älskar bajs
Linda Blåfors Carlsson

Graphic design, production, illustration for school students
Emilie Bergman

Klara Svenskan
Linda Blåfors Carlsson

Our Swedish Democracy
Kari Modén

Painting step by step
Nadja Schwendemann

animal superpowers
Nadja Schwendemann

Colouring and riddel book - Horses
Nadja Schwendemann

Illustrations e-learning, Nestor FoU
Christina Heitmann

Mindlings Boardgame
Eisel Miranda Robles

Information projects, "safe illustrations"
Catrina Norman Tengroth

Childrens activity sheet, Österlens Museum
Jenny Hargne

Illustration and layout for ”Vägar ur ensamhet”
Aina von Segebaden

Illustrations for the brochure ”Game of health
Aina von Segebaden

Small business owners
Lidia Blomgren

CRM konsulterna, illustration
Linnea Blixt

Gift Cards
Lidia Blomgren

Cut-out paper dolls "Hugo" and "Anna"
Lidia Blomgren

The life cycle of malaria parasites
Rodrigo Esparza Salas

The Farmer in School
Sandra Fröjd

Illustrations for Children’s Magazines I
Bojana Dimitrovski

Hela Året Runt, school calendar
Cecilia Johansson

Cecilia Johansson