All projects in category Caricature

the ruler
Sven Andersson

The unlikely murderer
Josef Norén

A scotch project - One Beswick Staffordshire porcelain dog a day for 100 days.
Anna-Karin Garhamn

Offside: magazine cover and illustrations
Lisa Medin / Korkskruv Mediabilder AB

Olivgarden, newspaper strip
Olivia Skoglund

Political satire, Flamman
Ellen Lagerson

Johan Reich

100 % pure baby
Cecilia Stenmark

Magazine Cover Satir
Ellinor Ahlén

Västtrafik: common sense in public transportation
Yvette Gustafsson

Illustrations for Arbetet
Kolbeinn Karlsson

Kvartal satire 2023
Hans von Corswant

Illustration for an article about fraudulent craftsmen in a union member magazine
Nina Karlsson / Pinor Art Illustration

Friends don't let friends...
Christoffer Svanströmer

Trump & Biden
Johan Reich

Pictures from life
Björn Tegnell

Dagens Tegnell
Lisa-Stina Pettersson

Cover for the 50th anniversary issue of the magazine Folket i Bild/Kulturfront
Elin Hjulström Lord

Sari Feldt Norgren

Erdogan vampire
Henri Gylander

everything is possible
Sven Andersson

Kim Jong Un
Thomas Olsson

Gotland Stories, social media
Emma Hanquist

”Her rights!”, House of Sweden, Washington D.C.
Karin Z. Sunvisson

MOMENT 2022, Nej till Kärnvapen. Nej till NATO.
Mya Hang

No to nuclear weapons and NATO
Ida Holmedal
Manus Magazine
Marja Nyberg

Have one more cookie!
Maja Fjällbäck

The face of war
Louise Löwenberg

Tecknaruppropet Moment 2022
Louise Löwenberg

Parliament debate
Fredrik Swahn

"Goodmorning, Future!", MUSEUM OF WORK
Karin Z. Sunvisson

Stockholm candidate city for the olympics
Peter Häggström

Why is he wearing a pink cap?
Emili Svensson

New book "The Big Five of Vadstena"
Johan Hesselstrand

Boksläpp och utställning
Johan Hesselstrand

The Bubble
Henri Gylander

Comment on Aging
Lisskulla Berg

Experts Opinion
Lisskulla Berg

The Welfare plunderers and NKS!, 2020
Malin Granroth

Conflict of Interests
Lisskulla Berg

MANA – Homonationalism
Karin Z. Sunvisson

Karin Z. Sunvisson

Veronika Lagunadisko

Get a life will ya
Louise Löwenberg

And the horse says neigh, comic
Louise Löwenberg

Corona kiss
Louise Löwenberg

A dot in the universe
Louise Löwenberg

I pee on the patriarchy, illustration for Pod&Konst, 2017
Louise Löwenberg

Advent calendar
Louise Löwenberg

Took a glas of wine
Louise Löwenberg

About school
Markku Huovila

Humour/satire in finnish
Markku Huovila

Prime ministers 1981-2021
Markku Huovila
bla bla
Jeanette Milde
Jeanette Milde

Olivia Skoglund

Olivia Skoglund

Olivia Skoglund

Karin Z. Sunvisson

Markku Huovila

Swedish "tomte" with a lusse bun
Malin Biller

Commercial campaign for St1
Malin Biller

Malin Biller

Kajsas kassaovanor
Malin Biller

Magdalena Brunzell

Magdalena Brunzell

Gustaf Lord

An ass is an ass is an ass
Karin Z. Sunvisson

Karin Z. Sunvisson

Caricature artist live on iPad
Anders Flood

Caricature Jolie and Pitt
Anders Flood

LGBTQI – a union matter
Iso Lindh

Jonnie Holmberg

Jonas Olsson

Lena Sjöberg

Camilla Atterby

The welfare state.
Mare Toomingas

The new alphabet.
Mare Toomingas

Don Quijote furious again.
Mare Toomingas

Mare Toomingas

Mare Toomingas

Mare Toomingas

Mare Toomingas

Mare Toomingas

Mare Toomingas

Mare Toomingas

Mare Toomingas

Mare Toomingas

Mare Toomingas

Mare Toomingas

Carina Länk

Johan Hesselstrand

The Big Five of Vadstena
Johan Hesselstrand

Hans von Corswant

Satire and gagcartoon
Christofer Ahde

Can they read?
Anders Suneson

Fruit and vegetables
Anders Suneson

Is there any poison in this poisonfree sallad?
Anders Suneson

Short story
Erik Dahlberg