All projects in category Picture Book

"Limax lurv", picture book
Anna Södergård

Picture books, portfolio
Camilla Atterby

Lina & Sanna i fjällen
Emelie Bylund

Shopfronts from around the world
Pernilla Frimodig

Circus Micrometer
Maria Gustavsson

Bo Alvarsson

Growing pains in the car fleet, illustrations for the Swedish Police Association.
Nils-Petter Ekwall

Dags att sluta amma säger mamma - picture book
Mia Fernau

Sven Andersson

Nelly says NO!
Emelie Wiklund

Emmelie Salomonsson

The ghostdance
Hedvig Wisselgren

The Worlds' Worst Detectives, childrens book series
Sandra Fröjd

forest creature
Emmelie Salomonsson

Manus Magazine, illustration
Sabina Wroblewski Gustrin

Manus Magazine, illustration
Sabina Wroblewski Gustrin

Colouring and puzzles for kindergarten children. Dinosaurs
Nadja Schwendemann

On the road with vehicles
Nadja Schwendemann

Emmelie Salomonsson

Book illustrations Studentlitteratur
Christina Heitmann

Jo and the Delicious, Spectacular, Unique, Enormous Cake
Tanja Russita

På natten sover vi.
Mia Fernau

Emmelie Salomonsson

Hand type
Elise Rosberg

Sally sulks, picture book
Amanda Jonsson

Solvej's Longing
Amanda Jonsson

Children's book illustration
Unni von Feilitzen

The dream maker's assistant
Jonn Clemente

Twinkle little star
Emmelie Salomonsson

Beloved little cat 2
Jennifer Berglund

Addi's afro
Felicia Fortes

Larvae get something from Acorns
Mika Ohmori (Selin)

Childrens book, 3–6 years
Moa Fagerlund

Picturebook, Verbum förlag
Moa Fagerlund

Edgar Allan Poe – The Masque of the red Death
Bo Alvarsson

Elina at riding camp
Agnes Danielsson

Picture book
Aylin Azad

"Monkey flower", illustration.
Svalan Sörblom

Ishtar Bäcklund Dakhil

Grandma, picturebook
Daphne Sivetidis

Fotbollsstjärnor, picture book
Felicia Iversen

A Pear, Une Poire.
Bo Alvarsson

Children's book, "Everything"
Maj Persson

Grandma places exhibition
Daphne Sivetidis

Girl and bumblebee
Maria Trolle

Library bus
Maria Trolle

Arvid vill inte flytta
André Högbom

Pelle Plutt & co
André Högbom

Den Magiska Godisaffären
André Högbom

André Högbom

Jonn Clemente

Jennie Wiik Edman

Cute autumn illustrations of animals
Karolina Nilsson

Bo Alvarsson

Journey from north to south
Lynn Hatzius

Sardine Can
Christina Hägerfors

Spot illustrations
Sonya Filimonova

Emmelie Salomonsson

A small walk, personal project
Tilda Mårtensson

Circus train
Emmelie Salomonsson

Children`s book "A Different Horse"
Tania Goryushina

Children`s book - Best Days of the Year
Tania Goryushina

Why nobody strokes hedgehogs - Children`s book
Tania Goryushina

Foodtruck like no other!
Karin Gillberg

Midsummer fun
Karolina Nilsson

Music illustrations
Hanna Ingvarsson

Flying girl
Tanja Russita

Book illustration
Marta Leonhardt

A Dangerous Saturday.
Sara Gimbergsson

Whose body?
Emma Wiklund

The adventure of Karl the lizard.
Emma Wiklund

Nora comes along to the stables
Emma Wiklund

When Rudolf found home
Emma Wiklund

Ticks, Alice!
Emma Wiklund

Our new car
Emma Wiklund

Juno och Flintismamman
Kerstin Holmstedt

Picture book illustration
Rebecka Porse Schalin

School project cooking book
Ellinor Ahlén

Character drawings and illustrations
Hanna Ingvarsson

Illustrations from childrens books
Hanna Ingvarsson

Picture book
Emmelie Salomonsson

Picture book
Emmelie Salomonsson

Eben von Ruben och husbarnet, Kikkuli Förlag
Jesper Jenemark

The butterfly fairy and the lost rainbow
Helena Svedenberg

How to become a dragqueen
Helena Svedenberg

On the way home from school
Karin Gillberg

Mouse houses
Oliver Elm

Cat-hunt, childrens book, Hegas förlag
Mikaela Nordlund

Pictures from childrens book
Hanna Ingvarsson

The king who hated football
Bo Alvarsson

Artwork for childrensbook
Rebecka Porse Schalin

Djingis conquers planets
Kalle Landegren

The frog and the prince
Emmelie Salomonsson

The scent of apple season
Karin Gillberg

Ferrytale illustrations
Annakarin Wennerberg

A cow in Old town, Stockholm
Annakarin Wennerberg

Cosy in the kitchen
Stefanie Jegerings

Johanna Zverzina

The fieldmouse and all colours
Ida Sundin Asp

Emmelie Salomonsson